
      杰维斯乐器厂是一家集生产,设计,销售为一体的吉他专业厂家。专业从事生产“jervis(杰维斯)牌” 木吉他,电声两用吉他,电吉他,电贝司,产品包括高档,中档,普及三个档次,全系列共100多种规格 型号,多项产品荣获国家专利权。杰维斯乐器厂引进制造吉他的先进设备,培养出一批乐器制作的技术骨干。公司本着充分保证用户之利益 ,服务第一,信誉第一,交货及时以国内外提供优质产品为宗旨,产品质量执行严格的品质管理制度,采用 精工制作,注册生产的“杰维斯”牌吉他自面世以来,以其品种齐全,造型美观,工艺精湛,音色优美醇厚,穿透力强,演奏性能好,质量稳定而畅销国内,欧美,日本等国家和地区。 公司理念:品牌源于质量,经典源于专业。

      Jervis musical instrument factory is a professional guitar manufacturer integrating production, design and sales. Specializing in the production of "Jervis (Jervis)" wooden guitar, electro acoustic dual-use guitar, electric guitar, electric bass, products include high-grade, mid-range, universal three grades, a full range of 100 specifications, models, a number of products won the national patent. Jervis musical instrument factory has introduced advanced equipment for making guitars and trained a number of technical backbones for making musical instruments. With the purpose of fully ensuring the interests of users, service first, reputation first, timely delivery and providing high-quality products at home and abroad, the company implements a strict quality management system for product quality, and adopts the "Jervis" brand guitar made by Seiko and registered production. Since its launch, the company has a complete variety, beautiful shape, exquisite technology, beautiful and thick timbre and strong penetration, Good performance, stable quality and best-selling in China, Europe, America, Japan and other countries and regions. Company philosophy: brand comes from quality, classic comes from specialty.

联系方式: QQ:35604981 Email:35604981@qq.com

联系电话(Phone No.):18925685939(0663-5528038)